Ultra Refrigeration were successful on the NSW Government of Environment and Heritage tender, in which they installed a full Mitsibishi VRV city multi system, and a Daikin/ ERV system linked up to a BMS system, to control the humidity and protect museums artifacts back from world war 1.
Trial Bay gaol was built to house prisoners who were brought to the area in 1886 to construct a breakwater to make Trial Bay a safe harbour halfway between Sydney and Brisbane. . Then, during World War 1 the gaol was used once again, this time as an internment camp for local German residents who were suspected (almost always falsely) to be conspiring with the enemy. It hasn’t been used as an active gaol since, and is now an historic ruin.

Since 2015 Ultra has been a proud supporter of the NRL team the West Tigers.

Ultra Refrigeration are proud to support and are coming on board as Disability Macarthur’s Annual Golf Day Silver Sponsor

By partnering with the Leukaemia Foundation and Stockade Brewery, Ultra Refrigeration hosted a successful fundraiser where employers, employees, family, friends and even company suppliers came together to support the foundation to "Be Brave and Shave" .
Employee engagement and support demonstrated the strength of Ultra's team and opportunities provided to give back to the community.